Collection: Aromatherapy, Patchouli & Fragrance Oils, Etc...

Aromatherapy, Patchouli & Fragrance oils, etc...

We stock top-quality essential, speciality, and carrier oils for aromatherapy from Amour Natural, as well as various lovely potions, fragrance oils, oil burners, accessories from them and other excellent suppliers.

We've posted our collections of oils first, so if you also need other fragrance-related items, scroll down past the oils to see our accessories and gifts. We list our essential oils in 10 ml bottles. We list our carrier oils or speciality oils in 50 ml bottles. Fragrance oils are usually in 10 ml bottles. Our two top-selling scents are patchouli and lavender. We have stocked and supplied patchouli oil since the early 1970s when our customers affectionately called it "hippy juice"! 

IF YOU USE OILS IN VOLUME AND WANT TO SAVE MONEY, WE CAN USUALLY SUPPLY LARGER BOTTLES AT FAVOURABLE PRICES. Drop us a line with enquiries about this or any other special requests on our contact form.

Lastly, always check that any oils you use are safe for you or anyone you are using them on. 

Disclaimer: Any information you have gained from Amour Natural (or Guru Boutique) in any format is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. The decision whether to use or not to use this information is your sole responsibility. If you are pregnant or have a medical condition, consult your doctor or health care professional before use. If in doubt, please seek medical advice. Patch test before use.